His Commands  

The Witness

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Is The Torah Still For Today?

PART 1: To start at teaching scroll to timestamp: 24:30

Recommended Resources and Teachings
Video Links
Festival Songs
click blue links

Join The Celebration

Seed Is In The Storehouse

(Learning about Hanukkah check out this teaching on YouTube)

Living Lamb

You Covenanted For Us



(Day of Soundings)


(Day of Coverings/Atonement)

Come Let Us Go

(Festival of Booths/Sukkot)

We do not necessarily endorse all of the teachings or doctrines from the out of house resources below, but found these resources helpful. 

Susan's Blog

Understanding The Day of Soundings/ Yom Teruah
video teaching click here

Understanding The Day of Coverings/Yom Kippur
video teaching click here
part two click here

Learning About Hanukkah

The Feast of Dedication Overview

To Be Dedicated Reflection One

Learning YHVH's Calendar:

What's In a Day?

A Hebrew Day starting in the evening

The New Moon

Why we start the Hebrew months by the sliver of the moon

A YouTube series on what it means to be Yisrael.

The Inheritors

Appointed Times Resources
Renewed Covenant Passover Meal Guide

PART 2: To start at teaching scroll to timestamp: 27:00